How to make scented candles with paraffin waxes and natural waxes
Handmade candle making offers a world of options. Whether as a hobby or as a career, this activity will allow you to explore endless colors and aromas. [...]
Handmade candle making offers a world of options. Whether as a hobby or as a career, this activity will allow you to explore endless colors and aromas.In this post you will see how to make scented candles with paraffin waxes and natural waxes step by step. But before you start, you’ll get the lowdown on the differences between the various raw materials so that you can choose the one that best suits your needs. Let’s go!
Which is better for candle making, paraffin or wax?
The question of which is the best wax for making scented candles does not really have a single answer. There is no one superior choice, but each has its own distinctive characteristics. Here is a quick rundown of each:
This is usually a cheaper option than natural waxes. Paraffin waxes have a long burn time and good fragrance holding capacity, so they release scents very effectively.
However, being a petroleum derivative, paraffin may not be a suitable choice for sustainability-conscious consumers. It also generates more waste during combustion than some natural waxes.
Beeswax is of organic origin and has a pleasant natural scent without the addition of fragrances. However, if you want to make scented candles, please note that this wax may retain less scent compared to other waxes.
It is more expensive than paraffin wax, but as a naturally occurring ingredient, beeswax is perfect for environmentally-conscious consumers..
Soy wax
Soy wax is produced from a renewable source and generates less waste during combustion. It retains fragrances very well, making it an excellent choice for making scented candles. However, because it is soft, it may last slightly less than other options.
Rapeseed wax with coconut
There are waxes specially designed for candle making such as Naturewax Elite 600, which combines rapeseed wax and coconut wax to offer excellent candle properties. These materials provide flexibility and consistency.
Thanks to its low melting point, it is easy to handle and allows fragrances to be dispersed effectively without being degraded by excessive heat. On the downside, it can be pricier than other options.For more information on this topic, check out: Paraffin waxes vs. natural waxes: which is the best option for candle making?
A step-by-step guide to making scented candles with paraffins and natural waxes
What is needed to make scented candles?
Soy wax, beeswax, rapeseed wax or paraffin wax.
Cotton wicks and holders.
Natural oils or fragrances for candles.
Dyes (optional).
Candle containers or molds.
Containers to melt the wax.
Spoon for stirring.
Scales to measure the ingredients.
1. Prepare your work area
Before starting, cover the surfaces with wax paper to protect them. Make sure you choose a well-ventilated place.
2. Measure the wax and melt it.
Depending on the size and number, you will need different quantities of wax to make scented candles with paraffin and natural waxes. To make a rough estimate, you can fill the mold with water, weigh it and then multiply by the number of candles you want to make.
Once you have measured your wax, place it in a double boiler (bain-marie) and warm it over low heat to melt it. The smaller the wax pieces, the faster this process will be.
3. Prepare the wicks and containers
Cut the strands to the right length and leave a little leeway for adjustments. If they are not pre-waxed, dip them in melted wax and let them dry.
Fix the wick to the holder and place it in the center of the container.
4. Add fragrances and colors
Add the essential oils or fragrances to the melted wax and stir to incorporate well. If you wish to add color, add the colorants gradually until the desired shade is achieved.
5. Pour the wax into the containers
Carefully fill the molds with the melted wax. Make sure to keep the wicks centered in the process. Allow to cool.
Now you know how to make scented candles with paraffin waxes and natural waxes! After the wax cools, trim the wicks to the right length and let them sit for 24 hours for the fragrances and colors to settle.
In this post you saw how to make scented candles with paraffins and natural waxes. You discovered that with a simple technique you can create long-lasting and fragrant candles to illuminate environments with warmth – from the comfort of your home or professional workshop.
At Ceras Martí we have been working since 1992 to offer you quality raw materials for the manufacture of all types of candles.
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