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Yellow Beeswax Blocks C2


25.00Kg a 6.00 €/kg

Taxes and Shipping NOT included



Shipping 24 / 48h

Safety Data Sheet



Yellow Beeswax with a high content of added paraffin (maximum 35%) and manufactured in China.

Suitable for technical or cosmetic applications, with an excellent relationship between the price and quality of the wax.

It does not contain added animal fats.


Color: Yellow
Aplicación: Cosmetics / Technical
Presentación: Block
Calidad: 80% Pure


Use of Beeswax

Beeswax has a wide range of uses and applications that go way back in time. Currently, it is estimated that more than 300 industries use it. From candle manufacturing to Wood waterproofing, from sail making to the manufacture of ointments, polish and soaps, the list of products and activities in which beeswax is used is long.

The cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries are the main consumers, but beeswax is also used in the manufacture of electronic components, in lubricant factories and in the art industry, among many others.

Our yellow block beeswax with low added paraffin content (maximum hydrocarbon content 18%) is manufactured in China. It has a wide range of applications, thanks to its versatility in quality, color and affordable price.

Competitive beeswax

Pure beeswax is a natural product with a hefty price tag. Depending on the type of honeycomb involved, between 120 and 230 g can be obtained from one beeswax comb. It is estimated that 1 to 1.7 kg of wax is obtained from the opercula for every 100 kg of honey extracted.

Although pure beeswax is highly sought after in some sectors, its high cost makes it unsuitable for many applications. Mixing pure beeswax with top quality paraffin results in a product with excellent properties and an excellent cost-benefit ratio.

Paraffin and beeswax are perfectly compatible materials, sharing many properties, so their combined use brings great benefits to the industry.

Our yellow block beeswax from China offers great results at competitive prices. We also offer yellow beeswax pellets, which can facilitate the fusion process in some cases.