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Yellow Beeswax CH


25.00Kg a 7.00 €/kg

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Shipping 24 / 48h

Safety Data Sheet



Yellow Beeswax in pellets or blocks, with a low content of added paraffin, manufactured in China.

Offers great results at low prices.

Suitable for Cosmetic and Technical uses.


Color: Yellow
Aplicación: Cosmetics / Technical
Presentación: Plates / Pearls
Calidad: 95% Pure


Competitively priced beeswax

Although its characteristics make beeswax a useful product for a variety of applications, its high price makes it an uncompetitive option for some uses. In these cases, the mixture of beeswax with a small proportion of paraffin  results in a product with excellent properties at an affordable price.

Our top quality beeswax with low added paraffin content is perfect for non-food uses. Manufactured in China, it offers great results at affordable prices. It is suitable for cosmetic and technical uses.

Uses and applications of beeswax

A natural wax with excellent properties and benefits for the skin and hair, beeswax is used in cosmetics in the formulation of lip balms, makeup pencils, natural soaps, hair masks and more.

Its technical uses vary and include the manufacture of shoe polishes, wood protectors, leather waterproofing and yarn strengthening, among others.

Blocks or pellets

Traditionally, beeswax is presented in blocks. Nowadays, it is also available in pellet form, which offers great advantages when melting the material, since it facilitates and accelerates the process. It is especially useful for the home or small-scale manufacture of cosmetics and natural candles, and in hair removal.

We also supply yellow beeswax pellets approved by the European Pharmacopoeia, suitable for pharmaceutical and food uses; and whitened beeswax pellets, which do not modify the color of the final product.