• Medium/high consistency medicinal grade petroleum jelly. Suitable for use as an excipient in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.
  • Natural kaolin with low granulometric size, high whiteness and fineness, low iron content and excellent chemical-physical properties. Ideal for use in various industrial processes.
  • Unrefined wool grease of animal origin. With a dark colour and characteristic smell.
  • Natural, organic raw material obtained from the secretion of the sebaceous glands of sheep. Once the wool has been extracted, it is cleaned and centrifuged to obtain the wool grease. With a green colour and characteristic smell. Suitable for technical and industrial use.
  • Natural origin emulsion, totally soluble in water, acts as a non-ionic surface agent.
  • Blonde Unwaxed Shellac

    742,50 | 25 Kg at 29,700 €/Kg | Taxes and shipping NOT included |
    Blonde Unwaxed Shellac is characterised by its orange colour and for not containing wax. It is obtained from the resinous secretion of the red insect called Laccifer Lacca, which is native to Southeast Asia. Suitable for technical and fine arts uses.
  • La EMUL CC 40 ANTI-SLIP is a concentrated product based on Carnauba Wax, water, emulsifiers and resins that reduce the slippery effect of wax. It is specially manufactured for the polishing of surfaces such as hospitals, schools, hotels, etc... A dissolution between 20% - 30% in distilled or decalcified water is recommended for optimum shine.
  • Extremely refined mineral oil, with a high degree of chemical stability and free from unsaturated components.
  • Micro 721 Low Melting Point

    122,50 | 25 Kg at 4.9 €/Kg | Taxes and freight NOT included |
    Microcrystalline Wax with a low melting point, with good flexibility and adherence. In a white colour. Product suitable for the manufacture of depilatory products. Suitable for cosmetic, technical, industrial and chemical uses.
  • Additive paraffin for paraffin paper or cardboard, by roller or spraying. High melting point with plasticised and glossy finish. Increases resistance and waterproofing.
  • Micro 725 White

    91,00 | 25 Kg at 3.64€ / Kg | Taxes and freight NOT included |
    Microcrystalline Wax with a high melting point, with good flexibility and plasticity. In a white colour. Suitable for food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and industrial uses.
  • Micro G-75 Soft

    90,00 | 25 Kg at € 3,600 / Kg | Taxes and freight NOT included |
    Microcrystalline Wax with a high melting point, with good flexibility and plasticity. In a dark brown colour. For applications that require good malleability and elasticity. Suitable for technical, industrial and chemical uses.
  • Refined Paraffin 52º-54ºC

    67,44 | 25 Kg at 2.7€ / Kg | Taxes and freight NOT included |
    Paraffin with a LOW-MEDIUM MELTING POINT, semi-opaque in solid state, completely refined and odourless, with a low oil content and high hardness. Suitable for technical, industrial and chemical applications. We recommend adding our additive VYBAR 260, for an opaque and stain-free finish. We have paraffin-soluble dyes, for the manufacture of candles of different colours. COMMON APPLICATIONS:
    • Candles.
    • Adhesives.
    • Paraffin paper and cardboard.
    • Lubricants.
    • Wax mixtures and emulsions.
    • Polishes and base pastes.
  • ABTM Shellac

    460,00 | 25 Kg at 18,400 €/Kg | Taxes and shipping NOT included |
    ABTM Shellac is the purified material obtained from the resinous secretion of the Laccifer insect. Insoluble in water, it is soluble (slowly) in alcohol, and slightly soluble in acetone and ether.
  • USP Anhydrous Lanolin

    795,00 | 50 Kg at 15,900 €/Kg | Taxes and shipping NOT included |
    Natural, organic raw material obtained from the secretion of the sebaceous glands of sheep. Once the wool has been extracted, it is cleaned and centrifuged to obtain the wool grease, and refined and deodourised to obtain the cosmetic grade. Yellowish colour with a slight characteristic smell.
  • Emul CC 40

    114,40 | 26 Kg at 4,400 €/Kg | Taxes and shipping NOT included |
    EMUL CC 40 is a concentrated product based on Carnauba Wax, water and emulsifiers. It is specially manufactured for the polishing of surfaces. A dissolution in water of between 20% and 30% is recommended to achieve an optimum shine without slippage. It's advisable to use distilled or decalcified water to maintain the stability of the product.
  • Guar gum is extracted from the seeds of a plant of the legume family and processed until the desired finish is achieved.

    Soluble in water.

    Suitable for food, technical and industrial uses.

  • Unfilled Pattern Wax EX 200 (Green)

    103,75 | 25 Kg at 4,150 €/Kg | Taxes and shipping NOT included |
    This wax is indicated for the manufacture of moulds without the need for filling. This wax is specifically designed for low tolerance and high productivity. Manufactured with exceptional flow and Uniform Solidification Technology This wax improves productivity and has low dimensional tolerance. Because there is no filler, the wax can be easily recycled.
  • Carnauba Wax T-1

    355,00 | 25 Kg at 14,200 €/Kg | Taxes and shipping NOT included |
    Carnauba wax is of vegetable origin, extracted from the leaves of the carnauba palm tree, which is native to Brazil. It is 100% natural and sustainable, and has a wide variety of uses and applications, such as:
    • Polishing floors, furniture or cars.
    • Tanning.
    • Varnishes / Lacquers.
    • Food.
    • Cosmetic.
    • Lubricants.
    • Textile coatings.
    • Inks.
    The principal difference between the T-1 Carnauba Wax and the T-3 is the color. The T-1 is more yellow and the T-3 orange in color.
  • Industrial Beeswax

    Mixture of paraffin and microcrystalline with pure Beeswax, obtaining an industrial beeswax and a product with the benefits and characteristics of each, at economic prices. Suitable for wood treatments, fine arts and industrial uses.
  • Semi-refined Paraffin 52º-54ºC

    67,50 | 25 Kg at 2,700 €/Kg | Taxes and freight NOT included |
    Paraffin with a low-medium melting point, odourless, with a maximum oil content of 3% and white colour. Suitable for the manufacture of candles and technical, industrial and chemical applications.
  • Refined Paraffin 52º-55ºC. P-130

    85,00 | 25 Kg to € 3,400 / Kg | Taxes and freight NOT included |
    High-quality paraffin with a low-medium melting point, completely hydrogenated, with an oil content of over 1.5% and white in colour. Suitable for Food, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic and Industrial applications.
  • VYBAR 260 – Candle additive

    262,50 | 25 Kg at 10,500 €/Kg | Taxes and shipping NOT included |
    VYBAR polymers are hyper-branched polyalphaolefins that are recognised worldwide for their ability to improve performance and provide a perfect finish to paraffin candles.
    VYBAR 260 is frequently used in Paraffins with a medium melting point, to manufacture candles in containers or blocks. CHARACTERISTICS AND BENEFITS:
    • Homogenises the oil, avoiding white spots.
    • Greater opacity.
    • Allows for a higher level of fragrance.
    • Increases viscosity to make more immersion layers.
    • Greater plasticity.
    • Improves general appearance.
  • Brown Clay Powder

    55,00 | 25 Kg at 2,200 €/Kg | Taxes and shipping NOT included |
    Clay of mineral origin extracted by hand from selected deposits. Dried through exposure to the sun, then refined.
  • RBD Palm Wax

    72,50 | 25 Kg at 2,900 €/Kg +VAT | Taxes and freight NOT included |
    100% vegetable wax, obtained through the process of refining and hydrogenation of palm oil. Completely refined, whitened and odourless. Suitable for the manufacture of candles in cups or containers, by mixing 30% of Palm Wax with Refined Paraffin of a medium or high melting point. Achieving a silky finish and good combustion to obtain a quality candle at optimum prices. Allows dyes and perfumes for the personalisation of the candle.
  • Filled Pattern Wax EX 40 (Blue)

    120,00 | 25 Kg at 4,800 €/Kg | Taxes and shipping NOT included |
    Wax suitable for the manufacture of moulds with a high filler content. This wax is specifically designed for low tolerance. Manufactured with Uniform Solidification Technology with 40% filling, this wax has exceptional flow qualities and better dimensional consistency.
  • Xanthan Gum

    447,50 | 25 Kg at 17,900 €/Kg | Taxes and shipping NOT included |
    Xanthan gum is obtained through the fermentation of carbohydrates of high molecular weight. Soluble in cold or hot water. Suitable for food, cosmetic and technical use.
  • Carnauba Wax T-3

    Carnauba wax is of vegetable origin, extracted from the leaves of the carnauba palm, originating in Brazil. It is 100% natural and sustainable. It has a wide variety of uses and applications:
    • Polishing floors, furniture or cars.
    • Tanning.
    • Varnishes / Lacquers.
    • Food.
    • Cosmetic.
    • Lubricants.
    • Inks.
    The main difference between Carnauba Wax T-1 and T-3 is the colour. T-1 is more yellow, and T-3 is orange.
  • Dammar Gum A

    130,00 | 20 Kg at 6,500 €/Kg | Taxes and shipping NOT included |
    Dammar Gum, or Damar Gum, is obtained from the tree family Dipterocarpaceae in India and East Asia. The resin is collected directly from the trees or directly solidified. Suitable for technical and fine arts uses.
  • Gum Arabic Grain

    165,00 | 25 Kg at 6,600 €/Kg | Taxes and shipping NOT included |
    Natural resin obtained from the Acacia Senegal tree and other related species, originating in the savannah of the African Sahel. The gum obtained is normally harvested between the months of November and April, providing a necessary income to the inhabitants of the villages, for their continuity and improvement of gum arabic production. COMMON APPLICATIONS:
    • Emulsifiers.
    • Emulsion stabiliser.
    • Adhesive and binding agent.
    • Fine Arts.
    • Diverse technical uses.
  • Paraffin in blocks suitable for physiotherapy and rehabilitation treatments by means of paraffin baths. The paraffin has a very low melting point and high elasticity to achieve the thermotherapy effect. The minimum order quantity is full pallets of 630Kg and 700Kg, depending on the presentation. For smaller quantities, please contact us and we will give you the contact of a distributor.
  • Candelilla Wax Pellets

    415,00 | 25 Kg at 16,600 €/Kg | Taxes and shipping NOT included |
    Our Refined Candelilla Wax is of high purity. Its chemical composition is characterised by a high content of hydrocarbons (around 50%) and a relatively low amount of volatile esters. Its resin content can reach up to 9% by weight, which contributes to its adhesive properties. Candelilla wax also has protective properties, is plasticising, has high chemical stability, a high melting point, impermeability, dielectric properties and gloss. Suitable for cosmetic, food, pharmaceutical and technical uses.
  • Transparent Gelatin

    170,00 | 20 Kg at 8,500 €/Kg | Taxes and shipping NOT included |
    Transparent and semi-soft gelatin for the manufacture of candles in glass. Easy to use and fill, it easily dyes and perfumes like a traditional candle.
  • Green Clay Powder

    55,00 | 25 Kg at 2,200 €/Kg | Taxes and shipping NOT included |
    Clay of mineral origin extracted by hand from selected deposits. Dried through exposure to the sun, then refined.
  • Refined Paraffin 56º-58ºC. P-150

    85,00 | 25 Kg at 3,400 €/Kg | Taxes and shipping NOT included |
    High quality paraffin with a medium melting point, completely refined and odourless, with a low oil content and high hardness. Suitable for Food, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic and Industrial applications.
